E-mail: tuchao@wtu.edu.cn
2010.3-2013.6 苏州大学 硕士 纺织工程
2001.9-2005.6 武汉纺织大学 学士 轻化工程
1. 校企合作项目:环境友好型抗菌材料开发,2024.5-2026.4,主持,在研。
2. 纺织行业天然染料重点实验室开放课题,基于酸致变色天然染料的pH响应型抗菌海藻酸纤维制备,2021.11-2023.10,结题,主持。
3. 浙江省清洁染整技术研究重点实验室开放课题(绍兴文理学院),MoS2/ZIF-8 自组装功能化棉织物吸附和光降解亚甲基蓝研究,2021.12-2023.12,结题,主持。
4. 生物质纤维及生态染整湖北省重点实验室开放课题(武汉纺织大学),铜酞菁原液着色聚乳酸纤维的制备及其性能,2022.3-2023.3,结题,主持。
5. 湖北省教育厅科研计划重点项目,智能pH响应型抗菌海藻酸柔性传感器制备,2021.11-2022.12,结题,主持。
6. 校企合作项目:环境友好型可生物降解非织造材料研究与开发,2021.7-2024.6,在研,主持。
7. 生物质纤维及生态染整湖北省重点实验室开放课题(武汉纺织大学),Fe-MOFs及其功能化多孔纤维对四环素吸附与降解研究,2020.12-2021.8,结题,主持。
8. 生物质纤维及生态染整湖北省重点实验室开放课题(武汉纺织大学),CuO@ZIF-8自组装功能化苎麻织物吸附和降解亚甲基蓝研究,2019.11-2020.11,结题,主持。
[1] Z.H. Sun, F Huang, Y.S. Cai, W.Y. Liang, S.Y. Fan, C Tu*, Y.F. Liu, C Yan. (2024) A flexible sanded cotton fabric coated with Au@polypyrrole for seawater desalination. Chemical Engineering Journal 492: 152309.
[2] C Tu*, Z.H. Sun, F Huang, Z.W. Wu, H Chen. (2023) MoS2@MIL-101(Fe) functionalized carboxylated loofah as a platform for the photodegradation of tetracycline and methylene blue from wastewater. Cellulose 30(2):1171-1191.
[3] J.J. Hu, Z.H. Sun, Z.W. Wu, C Tu, L Cui, Y.J. Tan. (2024) One-Step Preparation of Ph-Sensitive and Antibacterial Calcium Alginate Fibers: In Situ Reduction Method and Original Solution Dyeing. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 225(4): 255.
[4] Y.Q. Wang, H Chen, L Cui, C Tu, C Yan, Y Guo. (2022) Toughen and strengthen alginate fiber by incorporation of polyethylene glycol grafted cellulose nanocrystals. Cellulose 29(9):5021-5035.
[5] H Chen, Y.Q. Wang, F Huang, C Tu*, L Cui*. (2021) Layer by layer self-assembly MoS2/ZIF-8 composites on carboxyl cotton fabric for enhanced visible light photocatalysis and recyclability. Applied Surface Science 565(1):150458.
[6] L Cui. J.J. Hu. W Wang, C Yan, Y Guo, C Tu*. (2020) Smart pH response flexible sensor based on calcium alginate fibers incorporated with natural dye for wound healing monitoring. Cellulose 27:6367–6381.
[7] C Tu, R.D. Zhang, C Yan, Y Guo, L Cui. (2019) A pH indicating carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan sponge for visual monitoring of wound healing. Cellulose 26:4541-4552.
[8] C Tu, X Cao, R.D. Zhang, D.W. Wang, L Cui (2019) Effects of post-treatment on the properties of modified PLLA/PDLA fibers. Polymers for Advanced Technology 30:254-263.